Sunday, September 9, 2012

Song of the Week

Tsim Laj Muas & Mog Mim Yaj - Kev Hlub Yam Dej Ntws Tsis Rov


Kuv tau hlub nrog koj ib zaug

I have loved you once

Los yuav tsis tau koj coj los ua kuv tug

But I don’t have the luck of getting you to be mine

Wb txoj kev hlub

Our love

Kuv yuav muab khaws zoo cia

I will keep it well

Cim koj tseg rau nruab siab

You will be imprinted in my heart (the literal translation is “You will be imprinted in my liver" because for the Hmong people, to love comes from the liver and not the heart; heart in Hmong is "plawv" and the word "plawv" sounds harsh to the ear)

Cim koj cia rau ntsiab muag

You will be imprinted in my eyes (more specifically "the cornea")


Koj yog tus ua kuv hlub tshaj

You are the one that I love the most

Lub kua muag ntshav

Blood tear drops

Thiaj ntws teev yees tawm los

Flow gracefully out

Vim tias hnub no kev hlub tsis zoo li thaum ub

Because today (our) love is not the same as before

Wb txoj me kev sib hlub

Our little love

Yam dej ntws mus tsis rov

Is like the irreversible flowing river


Xav txog koj tej lus tau hais thaum ub

Reminiscing of the words you’ve said to me in the past

Yuav nrog kuv mus

(That) you will go (and become)

Ua kuv niam tus me nyab

My mother’s daughter-in-law

Kev hlub hais zoo tshaj

(In our) love (relationship) we communicate best (with one another)

Yog ntuj tsis pub wb los sib yuav

(But maybe it is) the heavens that is preventing us from being together

Cas tsis txhob cia wb los sib ntsib sib cuag

(If that is the case) it shouldn’t let us meet

Kom wb mob lub siab lub ntsws

So our hearts (or livers and lungs) won’t get hurt


Txoj kev hlub hais zoo luaj no

(In our) love (relationship) we communicate well

Tsis sib tau los

(Since we are unable) to be together

Ntshe yog wb hmoov tsis txog

Maybe it is our fate

Wb thiaj tau hlub wb thiaj tsis tau sib yuav

We can love but we cannot be together

Tsuas los hlub ib vuag dua

As long as we’ve loved once

Hlub cia ua lub chaw tshua

(Let us cherish our) love as a piece of memory


Xav txog koj tej lus tau hais thaum ub

Reminiscing of the words you’ve said to me in the past

Yuav nrog kuv mus

(That) you will go (and become)

Ua kuv niam tus me nyab

My mother’s daughter-in-law

Kev hlub hais zoo tshaj

(In our) love (relationship) we communicate best (with one another)

Yog ntuj tsis pub wb los sib yuav

(But maybe it is) the heavens that is preventing us from being together

Cas tsis txhob cia wb los sib ntsib sib cuag

(If that is the case) it shouldn’t let us meet

Kom wb mob lub siab lub ntsws

So our hearts (or livers and lungs) won’t get hurt


Txoj kev hlub hais zoo luaj no

(In our) love (relationship) we communicate well

Tsis sib tau los

(Since we are unable) to be together

Ntshe yog wb hmoov tsis txog

Maybe it is our fate

Wb thiaj tau hlub wb thiaj tsis tau sib yuav

We can love but we cannot be together

Tsuas los hlub ib vuag dua

As long as we’ve loved once

Hlub cia ua lub chaw tshua

(Let us cherish our) love as a piece of memory

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